Why is it that when we believe something that is a gray issue we feel it is our responsibility to make everyone else believe the same? We live in a relativistic age- meaning what is true for you isn't necessarily true for me. This does not work in all situations, there IS truth, meaning there could not be a different outcome for certain things- ie. math, Bible, - these things are true and cannot be said to be otherwise.
But seriously, things like what kind of music I listen to, what I decide to feed my kids or whether or not I send them to private, public school or even homeschool are all gray issues that in my opinion are personal.
Why do people feel like they have it right if it works for them? I am sending my children to public school, I don't feed them organic foods and I like John Mayer. Does this mean I am wrong in these things? No, it means these are my personal decisions and while I don't ask you to change to my side, I would prefer you not push me to change to yours. And please- don't take a verse out of context to prove your point- I am married to a Bible scholar, all I have to do is ask him!
"And please- don't take a verse out of context to prove your point- I am married to a Bible scholar, all I have to do is ask him!"
hahaha. Oh, Jackie. :P
Why are you so angry today? :)
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