So, I have always heard or seen on TV these people who are having fun and something bad happens....dancing in the car, laughing too hard, etc.
Is that really how God works? Am I not allowed to have fun? I was dancing in the car the other day and stopped cause I was afraid I would get in an accident. Then, I rethought it, I am just having fun, I am completely paying attention, but still having fun. I can't live my life like that- afraid to have fun because I think God will put me in an accident or something will hurt me. Of course I am not talking about sinning- like drinking or being promiscuous.
But really, does God not want me to have fun? I don't think so. So, I have started gardening and I love it, it is fun. I also think I am going to plant some berries and learn to make jam. So, I know that may not sound like fun to everyone, but why not try it? It might be fun, so I am going to do it- if I ever get around to it, I will let you know how it goes. Until then, I am going to enjoy life and dance and laugh and not worry I am about to be struck down dead. I think God probably enjoys seeing me happy and laughs when I dance!
Ha! I always dance in the car. You should see my disco moves! Christianity is definitely not supposed to be bland, so live it up!
People bug me who say to their spouses, "You can't get a motorcycle or you can't be a pilot." Josh wants to learn to fly, and I'm all for it. Why live in worry? THAT is unbiblical!
Enjoy your jam! ;)
I think God would laugh if I were to dance too! haha. I agree with your blog and I know the feeling... we live on edge wondering if we are "crossing the line". Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Btw, I also enjoy gardening. I have an herb garden... lavender, oregano, basil, spearmint, and chives. (dont do spearmint it spreads horribly!) I also started last year with letting Ryan have 1 plant each year to take care of. Last year was green beans, this year lettuce. I hope you enjoy your gardening... let me know about the jam. I'm curious to see how it goes...
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