Okay, so you know how you get like 50 forwards a day and how you know if they come from some people they will be good and others you just automatically delete? I hate and love forwards. Some are really funny and others are just made to make you cry. It is so annoying. Then, they all are telling you to forward them or bad stuff will happen or if nothing bad happens you get a guilt trip telling you nothing bad will happen you will just miss a great opportunity. Ugh. I am so sick of forwards...except the funny ones.
I got a forward this morning and the whole forward was about how a man took time out to play with his daughter and let her stay up late and all this stuff I should do with my kids. I thought it was a great reminder to loosen up. Until the part where I found out she had cancer. Now that is awful, I know, I would never want that to happen to anyone. But when the father who wrote the email said that AOL and some other company were going to pay him for each email this was forwarded to, I immediately became sceptical. Does that really happen? If it does, how come I don't get hundreds of these forwards a day? So that is it- the email isn't begging me to forward it, offering me a wish come true if I do, or bad luck if I don't. But I do have the opportunity to save a little girls life if I forward it. Is it true or not? I will never know, I am sure I will never get an email telling how all of our forwarded emails saved this little girl's life. All I know is that it MIGHT be true so I have to forward it...I have to. If I don't, I may have been the one that didn't save that little girl's life if it were true.....well..................there is my guilt trip.
P.S.- Sorry to all of you I forwarded that email to- now you must pass it on!
Wellll, if you really want to know the truth, you can go to snopes.com and they'll tell you. They research email/internet hoaxes.
My favorite are the funny crook/ police stories. I don't even want to know if they are false because I want to think that people are that dumb!
Been there done that!!
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