Sometimes, I feel like I don't deserve Michael....my husband.
Wow, he is incredibly good looking, kind-hearted, talented, loving, a good father etc. etc.... you get the idea.
Tonight, he whispered in my ear a really corny joke during the invitation....ooooohhhh- big sin....move on....anyway, a girl behind him said, "It is no time for jokes." Joking herself of course, but he turned to her and said, "It is my way of flirting with my wife!" I thought that was so funny. He knows I roll my eyes at every one of his corny jokes, but I thought it was so cute how he still wants to impress me.
Another thing was that the guy who preached tonight told a story about Michael that I hadn't heard. He, Michael and our son, Jake and his son, Matt were on there way last year to a Red Sox game when they were coming up to a red light and saw a homeless man asking for money. The guy Michael was with went to put up his window, assuming, as we all do, that the guy would spend the money on alcohol or drugs. Michael said, "No, leave it down," took out his wallet and gave the guy some money. You see, to brag on Michael a little, he tries to be like Jesus more than anyone I have ever met. He works with mentally handicapped people, the people that are last in our culture who will be first in the end. He cleans up their poop and throw up and loves them unconditionally. He gives to the people on the street and he cares about people like Jesus does.
Yes, he has all his doctrine straight and reads his Bible and prays, but he has such a real relationship with the Lord that I think when he sees Jesus in Heaven, Jesus won't ask to get caught up. His relationship with the Lord is so real and continual......he always has some part of his brain in Heaven with the Lord. Anyway, no one has opened my eyes to the love of Jesus and who He really is more so than Michael. It is so genuine, and although I have been saved since I was 5, when I met Michael, he introduced me to the real Jesus, one that is caring for others before Himself and one that cannot be contained or "figured out"; but rather a mystery. To enjoy a relationship with Christ, he has taught me it is a journey, not something you suddenly get as soon as you become a Christian. So many think they have Him figured all out. But in our finite minds...we never could.

Michael has done so much for me, both spiritually and in other ways. He has taught me patience and love and has taught me to love the Lord first. Not by just saying it, but my living it. He is a family man- vital, vital, vital. We love it when daddy is home and he makes it so much fun.
So, since this is my blog and it is about random thoughts, I thought I would just love-up on my blessed husband whom I adore. He is it, he is my soul-mate and was meant for me, and I am so glad he is my husband, I never thought it would be this easy to be married.....he is my BFF.....and I love him.
Sorry if this has made you gag, I won't write anymore about him for a while!