Fall days can be so eerie sometimes. So quiet, bare trees and no one really outside. It always seems like I look in my rearview mirror to make sure no one is following me, the random leaf that falls from the sky looking for a landing is spooky. And all the leaves on the ground rustling is sometimes the only noise you hear. It can freak you out if you don't keep a grip on reality. Fall days are also my favorite, despite these things.....a fire in the fireplace, candles burning and chicken soup on the stove, makes you feel cozy.
I am trying to think of a point to this blog, but I don't really have one, except sometimes fall can make you feel kinda eerie, yet reflective at the same time, I seem to quiet down and look around at all the beauty, maybe that's why God made autumn- so you would be quiet and look at the beauty of the earth and all that is on it, then, if you notice when the snow starts to fall, it seems even quieter....there may be a point in that after all. Spring and summer everything comes to life, we go to the beach and theme parks, and have BBQ's, and everyone is outside, there is always a bustle and noise, but in the fall and winter, people slow down and take a breath. Hmmm.......that's a cool thought.
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