Oh my, it has been a long time since I have been to blogging world. I haven't forgotten about it, just haven't had anything worth writing....in my opinion. Still kinda feel like I don't have much to say but, since it is random stuff, I guess I will just update.
Well, tax season is over and thus the end of my working....kind of a let down- I enjoy going to work and contributing to the finances in the house. Michael and I have decided to look into (yet again) me working full-time because the business world makes more money than the health care field. Working this last season, along with some other things that have happened, have urged me to pursue getting my Series 6 and 63. These 2 licenses will allow me to help people plan for their retirement and advise them with their finances- this has been sort of a pipe dream for me for awhile, but I don't think it has to be. So I am actively pursuing this. I do have to be sponsored by a company so I need to find a job that can do this.....but the possibilities are endless, we are at a great spot right now where I am able to be picky in choosing a job because Michael is working, so I will wait to find a great job that will also sponsor me in my endeavors!
Jake and Eve are doing great- Eve is potty trained and has been for 6 months and she's not even 2 1/2! Although she doesn't always tell me when she has to go- she does make it 99% of the time. She is really talking up a storm and is outgoing and warming up to people a lot more!
Jake is learning the sounds letters make and is slowly working on reading. He is almost 5, but won't be able to go to school because his birth-date is 9 days short of the cutoff. He is growing up to be quite the little man and he gets a quarter every week for making his bed every morning. It is very nice not to have to make 3 beds!
Michael is finishing his last day of school today, he will be off for the summer which is such a relief. I feel like his schooling has gone really well, he has learned to manage his time and therefore, it doesn't cut too much into our lives; although I do look forward to spending more time with him. When he does go back in August, he only has 4 more classes and he will be done with his Masters! So proud of him and thankful that he finally found the one right for him- Masters in Spiritual Formation.
I am watchng Spongebob Squarepants right now, it's amazing what a staple he has become in our house.....somedays I can't stand him and other days I look forward to watching him! Today, I could definitely go without him, but at least it's better than Wonder Pets!
That was definitely random!
Anyways, the kids are looking for a snack so I guess I better get on the ball with my mothering....