I am at a loss for words right now, but I really want to blog. Times are busy right now, between working 2 days a week doing taxes, being a business manager for an awesome photographer, and leading youth group activities, and being a mom and wife, it's crazy!
How about some Valentine's talk? I am always up for love! It's coming soon and I have already ordered my husbands gift- a 20 ounce container of New England Clam Chowder and a 20 ounce container of Seafood Chowder from the Lobster Gram- a place in Maine that delivers the stuff fresh. I have used these people a few times and if your love likes seafood- it is definitely worth it! My husband is going to love this and I am excited to see his reaction! Check out the site- http://www.livelob.com/
I personally am hoping for some flowers- roses. I know- cliche and a waste of money on something that dies in a few days. But it has been a long time since I have gotten any and I think the thougtfullness is the best. It's like chivalry- kinda.
What else....? My daughter's second birthday is coming up in a few days- she is so cute! So, today I bought her Amethyst earrings, her birthstone. Can't wait to put them in!
Another thing that I think about a lot is that I wish my parents lived closer. They live in Kentucky and it is so far away! I wish I could see them more and I wish they could know my children better. Jake and Eve recognize them on the phone and when they see them, but I so want them to be close. I really regret not knowing my grandparents better and everything I could have learned from them, not to mention the fun times we could have had. My mom's dad was a college professor who taught Botany- think of all I could have learned about plants and trees! Then....my dad's mom is a dancer- seriously, 90 years old and goes dancing every Friday night! She is feisty and a blast! But they both lived a good 9-10 hours away....doesn't that stink? So much wasted time with family. Anyway......I have realized how important family is and I want my family close!
Well, I guess that is it....pretty random....I guess it fits with the name of the blog. Hope you all are doing well, whoever reads this, and are enjoying the new year and are keeping up with your resolutions!