Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Anxiety is a funny thing. Don't get me wrong, it stinks and it doesn't seem fun or funny when you are going through it. I had some serious anxiety yesterday because I had to go see a neurologist. That is scary. Stuff going on with a brain is freaky.

Anyway, I am ok, I have "textbook migraines" meaning, so normal, they are written about in textbooks. Migraines....they aren't cool, but it is better than something more scary....say a tumor? So, back to the topic...since I have been dealing with the migraines and since I knew about the appointment, I have been pretty anxious. A lot of the time I didn't even realize it, just being short with the kids and my husband, but yesterday after the shock and anxiety wore off, I was happy and laughed a lot at my husband's serious corniness. Something I haven't done in a long time.

I was calm and relaxed. Believe it or not, and I know I come off as really high-strung. Well, I don't come off like that, I am that. But for the past few months, I realized, last night, that I was really anxious about this appointment and now that it is done and I am ok, I I can live again. I didn't even get upset when Jake was yelling this morning and Eve was sleeping.....THAT is freedom.

I thanked God a lot yesterday for giving me migraines and not a tumor. When I was in the waiting room, I heard a woman talking to the receptionist about how she had brain surgery and was having pain in the area where her surgery was....imagine that. How ultimately scary. Praise God I am ok and also that I can relax a little...just a little. Someday I will let lose and really go nuts, do something crazy in the water at the beach.....can't now....there might be sharks!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Yeah, Another Shoutout.

My friend Shari is this awesome photographer and she is worth a good penny for her work.

She asked me a few weeks ago where her shoutout was and now, I think she really needs one. I have a friend who is getting married, who doesn't have a ton of money to spend for a good photographer. My friend Shari is still building her portfolio....( :) and she offered to do this wedding for free. FREE!!!!! What an awesome thing to do, ultimately for me, but for someone she hardly knows! Don't ask her to do yours for free, now. This is a big favor!

Here is a shoutout to my friend Shari who deserves this, a great photograher and a great friend.

Thank You!